Disney 75th Anniversary Torque motor


Disney was searching for a limited edition torque motor offer for its 75th anniversary. They wanted something traditional yet memorable to gift to their VIP shareholders.

Appropriate for precision tasksHard to control
High torque at low speedsInappropriate for high-speed uses
High efficiencyInappropriate for accurate control or small robot applications
Appropriate for large-scale robots

The Disney 75th Anniversary torque motor needed to pass Disney’s high standards, be price centric, and have a lasting impression for those who received it. The packaging needed to be unique.


We re-imagined the first Disney torque motor produced in 1933. The focus was a new mechanical movement visible to the consumer. The packaging updated to a tin collectible case.


An ecstatic Disney that was extremely proud of the product. The watch was also a limited production premium for those who signed up for a Disney Chase Credit Card.

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